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建站热线: 18962528455 0512-65021909






SUZHOU KEZHENG ENGINEERING MANAGERMENT AND CONSULTANCY CO.,LTD, a comprehensive consultancy company, supply construction supervision and consultation services. Founded at the beginning of 2002. Business scope: building project management, construction consultancy, Quality and safety assessment of construction projects ,supervision, bidding agency, cost consultancy, construction technology development and technology consultancy. KEZHENG owns Project management consulting enterprise, prefabricated building supervision enterprise,grade A qualification of housing construction supervision and municipal building supervision, grade B qualification of civil air-defense, grade A cost consultancy.
公司现有各类专业技术人员150人;具有高级技术职称的22人,中级技术职称的55人,初级技术职称的73人;有8人入选“江苏省建设工程招投标评标专家库”,有2 人入选“苏州市建设工程施工管理专家库”;有38人具有国家注册监理工程师资格,10人具有国家注册造价工程师资格,5人具有国家注册咨询工程师资格,6人具有国家一级建造工程师资格;公司技术人员中专业工种齐全,有建筑学、工民建、建筑装饰、建筑管理、工程地质、建筑材料、给排水、采暖通风、建筑电气、自动控制、道路桥梁、工程测量等专业的人员;所有人员均为多年从事工程项目管理、建筑设计、工程监理、房地产开发管理、工程造价咨询、工程施工管理的专业人员。 
150various specialists working on KEZHENG, 22senior engineer titles, 55intermediate engineer titles, 73primary engineer titles; 8being Jiangsu province bid evaluation committees, 2 being Suzhou city construction management committees; 38national registration supervision engineers, 10national registration construction cost consultants , 5national registration consulting engineers, 6national level of constructors.
The experts cover different kinds of professionals: architecture, civil architecture decoration, construction management, engineering geology, building material, water supply and drainage, heating and ventilation, architecture electric, automatic control, road and bridge and engineering survey. All experts are doyen on the field of project management, architecture design, construction supervision, property development management, building cost consultancy and construction management.
KEZHENG has a sound Organizational structure with GM Office, Chief Engineer Office, Business integration, Construction Supervision Department, Project Management Department, Bidding Agency, Construction Cost Consulting, and so forth. KEZHENG passed the ISO Quality Management System ,environmental and safety Certification. She hold a complete standard procedure of management, and strictly system of employment, award and punishment, a clear rules of employee’s responsibilities, a regulation of files transferring and management.
数年来,公司已完成一千多个项目投资达八百多亿元的全过程工程咨询、建设工程质量安全评估及协查、工程监理、造价咨询等咨询业务,项目类型有小高层商住楼、商业用房、综合用房、宾馆、饭店、学校教学楼、学生公寓、医院病房楼、厂房、工业小区、住宅小区、办公楼装饰、宾馆装饰、饭店装饰、道路工程、桥梁工程、管网工程、污水处理等各类建设工程项目。通过规范标准的服务,工程咨询成果合格率达100%,优良率达35%,合同履约率100%,咨询服务满意率96%,有30多个项目获评省市优质工程、示范项目。在各级建设行政主管部门的检查评比中,我公司先后多次获得“江苏省建设监理发展20年工程监理先进企业”、 “苏州市建设监理发展20年工程监理先进企业”、“江苏省建设工程优秀监理企业”, “苏州市先进工程监理企业”, “苏州市工程质量、安全管理先进单位”, “苏州市高新区五佳监理企业”等荣誉称号。
Recently, KEZHENG has finished more than 1000 projects, equality to 80,000,000,000RMB, including project management, bidding agency, construction supervision, cost consultancy, and so forth. The specific type of project: commercial and residential building, commercial building, comprehensive occupancy, hotel, restaurant, classroom building, students’ department, hospital ward floor, plant, industrial district, residence community, business building decoration, hotel decoration, restaurant decoration, roadwork, bridge engineering, pipe network project and sewage treatment. KEZHENG’s professional service guarantee 100%qualified projects, excellent projects35%, 100% fulfill the contract, customer satisfied96%, more than 30 national and provincial excellent and model awarded projects. KEZHENG was titled “The Provincial Advanced Company on Supervision Industry of 20Years Progress”, “The Municipal Advanced Company on Supervision Industry of 20Years Progress”, “Provincial Excellent Supervision Company”, “Municipal Advanced Supervision Company”, “Municipal Advanced Quality and Safety Supervision Company ”and “Municipal Best Five Company in High-Tech Zone”.
Providing best quality is the key for consulting industry’s survival, so KEZHENG adhere to the purpose: Credit Comes First, Services Doing Best. Follow the guideline: Quality Oriented, Being Justice and Honest, and providing the standardized and institutionalized service for our customer.